SlipOK API Documentation

Version 1.7 (อัพเดทล่าสุด 26 มีนาคม 2024)

API Documentation

Change Logs

Version 1.7 (26 March 2024)

  • Update Node & PHP Example

Version 1.6 (17 March 2024)

  • Update PHP Example

Version 1.5 (15 March 2024)

  • Add full English version

Version 1.4 (14 February 2024)

  • Add slip data for error code 1012 repeated slip.
  • Add bankCode, bankName and delay for error code 1010 delay slip.

Version 1.3 (9 October 2023)

  • Add check quota route to check the remaining quota.

Version 1.2 (14 September 2023)

  • Add log parameter to log slip data and analyze in LINE LIFF dashboard.
    • Be able to check the receiver associated with the bank account registered in Line LIFF. Wrong account will trigger error code 1014.
    • Repeated slip sent will trigger error code 1012.
  • Add amount parameter to cross-check with slip amount. Wrong amount will trigger error code 1013
  • New error code
    • 1012: Repeated Slip
    • 1013: Wrong Slip Amount
    • 1014: Wrong Receiver Slip

Version 1.1 (16 August 2023)

  • Add error code for better integration.

Version 1.0 (29 March 2023)

  • Initialize documents.
  • Add Request & Response for check slip route
  • Add examples for NODE.js / cURL / PHP.